
Age of Union Earth Centre: A Recap of the Launch

Last week, we celebrated the opening of the Earth Centre, Age of Union’s global headquarters and environmental art exhibition space in Montréal, Canada.

Launching Earth Centre means the birth of many amazing collaborations. First, we are thrilled to host multidisciplinary artist Adrian Stimson, who joins Age of Union as our indigenous curator and is exhibiting three paintings and two installations that invite us to reflect on different aspects of the environmental crisis we face.

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On the main floor of the two-floor 12,000 square foot building, we travel to the French coast, the St Lawrence River and the Peruvian Amazon, where photos and videos showcase our conservation journey with partners Sea Shepherd, Nature Conservancy of Canada and Junglekeepers — three of eight projects in which Age of Union is engaged in on-the-ground environmental action.

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On the second floor, one discovers the new interactive environmental arcade. Aude Guivarc’h’s piece is one of the first installations — an allegory of the state of our planet and the impact that humans have on its health.

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Finally, one can enjoy Age of Union’s environmental meditation rooms: Moon Room, Sun Room, and newly-completed Earth Room by Nico Fonseca and Kelly Nunes — an interactive multimedia installation with teeming vegetation, light, and sound, that explores the ways in which we relate to different facets of a forest.

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The Centre has come a long way, from being founder Dax’s Dasilva’s fourth office for tech company Lightspeed, to becoming the Never Apart gallery for the past seven years. The opening of the Earth Centre on Earth Day 2022 marks a new era—the “decade of action” for our planet. The earth-centric environment mingles nature, spirituality and art in an organic atmosphere — an invitation to the community to come together with Age of Union to protect the planet’s threatened species and ecosystems.

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